從今天起,Rekordbox DJ開放購買囉!,如果之前你試用的Rekordbox DJ已經到期無法使用,現在你可以以包月方式來取得Rekordbox DJ的使用權或一次買斷購買Rekordbox DJ來使用喔。
而DDJ-RX和DDJ-RZ已經綁定Rekordbox DJ,所以不用再另外購買。
Rekordbox DJ本站解析
Compatible OS | (Windows) Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 Pro / Windows 8.1 Pro (The latest service pack) Windows® 7 Home Premium / Professional / Ultimate (The latest service pack) Intel® Processer Dual Core 2.0GHz or higher Intel® Processer Core i3 / i5 / i7 4 GB or more of RAM |
Compatible OS | (Mac) Mac OS X 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8 (Updated to the latest version) Intel® Processer Dual Core 2.0GHz or higher 4 GB or more of RAM |
Hard Drive | 250MB or more of free space (not including space for storing music files, etc.) |
Sound | Audio output to speakers, headphones, etc. (internal or external audio device) |
USB | port A USB 2.0 port is used to connect a controller or a mixer, and export track files to a USB storage device such as a flash drive and a hard disk drive |
Playable music file | MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, ALAC, FLAC |
Internet connection | An internet connection is needed to create a rekordbox user account and to download and activate the software |
Display resolution | 1280 × 768 or greater |
About the Author: tooltour
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