Denon DJ對旗下Engine Prime軟體和Engine OS系統(內建於機身)發佈了更新到1.6版本。

1.6版本最主要是加入知名的雲端硬碟商Dropbox和音樂串流平台Beatsource LINK的整合。
針對Dropbox的整合,使用者可以將音樂存放在Dropbox雲端硬碟中就可以,當使用Prime4, 2, Go, SC6000/M…等器材時,只要透過網路連到Dropbox就可以取回音樂回來混音。

針對這項強大的整合,Denon DJ還加送所有有Engine OS系統產品的朋友免費6個月25G的Dropbox空間。
只要到Denon DJ以下網址註冊產品即可得到優惠碼:

而Beatsource LINK是線上數位音樂購買平台,跟Beatport是同一家公司,Beatsource主要是以主流音樂為主。
使用者透過包月訂閱Beatsource LINK服務就是可以無限使用該資料庫音樂到器材中做混音。

內建Engine OS系統的器材包括:Prime 4, Prime 2, Prime Go, SC6000/M, SC5000/M。



Engine OS

✅ Integrated Dropbox personal cloud storage service

✅ Integrated Beatsource LINK open format music service

✅ Added Dual-Waveform view for layers (SC5000/M, SC6000/M)

✅ Added Flexible Beat Grid support for multi-tempo tracks

✅ Added Track Preview (PRIME 4)

✅ Added the ability to double-tap to load tracks

✅ Added Reloop trigger option for active Saved Loops

✅ Added BPM & Key info to SoundCloud tracklists

✅ Plus many under the hood improvements

Engine PRIME

✅ Integrated Dropbox personal cloud storage service

✅ Added the ability to manually set Flexible Beat Grids for multi-tempo tracks

✅ Added the ability to import Serato DJ and rekordbox 5 static and Flexible Beat Grids

✅ Added the option to automatically backup collection when closing Engine Prime

✅ Added macOS 11 Big Sur compatibility

✅ Plus many under the hood improvements



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