Denon DJ 和 Numark 獨立 DJ 系統(Prime Go, Prime 4, Prime 2, SC6000, Mixstream Pro…)的朋友們現在可以升級到最新版本的 Engine DJ 2.3。
新功能包括 Nanoleaf 智能燈光選擇,並享受對 Beat Jump 和 Auto Loop 的更多控制。
Nanoleaf 智能燈光控制整合——
在2.2版本之前,我們可以去買飛利普智能燈具,然後和我們的器材聯接,並透過器材來控制 飛利普智能燈具 。
在2.3版本又加入 Nanoleaf 智能燈光 。燈光控制又多了新的選擇!
獨立控制 Beat Jump 和 Auto Loop –
按住 Shift 並按下 Beat Jump 後退/前進按鈕將使 Beat Jump 大小減半或加倍
改進軌道分析期間的關鍵檢測 – 如果利用這一點,用戶應該重新分析所有軌道,以保持一致性(這也是桌面軟件的改進,當在那裡進行分析時)
Prime GO 支援Virtual DJ
這是許多使用Prime Go的玩家敲碗的功能。終於, Prime Go 開放了Midi控制功能可以控制軟體了。
目前首先支援的是Virtual DJ。
- Improved key detection accuracy during analysis. To utilize the improved key detection, select the desired tracks and choose ‘Re-analyze tracks’.
- Improved Sync Manager export times for large libraries and nested Playlists
- Various improvements to ‘drag & drop’ export
- Various improvements to track highlighting
- Fixed an issue where Sync Manager export would fail if the album or artist name exceeded 255 characters
- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Update Available’ message to show when already on the latest version
- Fixed an issue where an iTunes library would fail to import fully if the library contained a Smart List and a Playlist with the same name
- Fixed an issue where tracks imported from iTunes could have incorrect metadata
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Sync To Engine’ button in Sync Manager displays the sync state incorrectly
- Fixed a Sync Manager issue where ‘read only’ tracks were not removed when a playlist was un-synced/unpacked from the drive
- Fixed a rare crash when removing tracks from the collection
- Other various stability enhancements & improvements
About the Author: tooltour
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